What an exciting and full month this has been! This was the month of several firsts for you! You celebrated your first Christmas
You love to play with all of your new toys. Your favorites are the ones that light up and play music. You are also amazed with books. So far I haven't found a book that you don't like.
You are THE HAPPIEST baby on the planet! We know that those teeth aren't far away, but nobody would ever know it based on your demeanor. You are all smiles all of the time!
You're doing pretty good eating "real food" like beans, bread, crackers, etc., but you still don't care for a bottle too much. We can only get you to drink 4 ounces every 4 hours. Even if we fix you 6, you'll stop with 2 ounces left. I guess you're a girl who knows when you're full.
You are a great sleeper! You go to bed around 8:00 after we've done our 4 B's (bath, books, bottle, bed) and you sleep until around 6:45 when I have to wake you up to take you to the babysitter. You also take 3 naps each day, 2 that are 1 1/2 - 2 hours, and one that is a quick 30 minute nap around 5:00 pm.
The only thing you seem to dislike at the moment is the vacuum cleaner. Even if you're in another room you fret when it turns on.
Other fun, new things you're into this month are:
sticking the tip of your tongue out and waving it from side to side
waving to yourself and saying "Hey!"
talking non-stop to all of your toys
really studying things
Dancing! You love to wiggle any time you hear music.
Sweet angel, I can't begin to tell you how much your daddy and I love you! You are so much fun right now and we are loving every moment we get to spend with you. Thank you for filling our lives with so much joy!
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